Judul : Oathbringer (The Stormlight Archive #3)
Penulis : Brandon Sanderson
Tebal : 1.264 halaman
Penerbit : Tor Books
A new storm has come.
Ash and red lightning sweep the land, awakening our ancient enemies. The Unmade-shadows of the Enemy's soul-stir, while the eyes of men open. This war is not, and never was, what they thought it to be.
We may soon hold Surges again, for Radiance has returned to some, and shines toward others. The Captain, broken by loss, seeks reconciliation. The Spy, broken by cruelty, seeks completion. The Stonewalker, broken by oaths, seeks truth. The Traitor, broken by ambition, seeks freedom.
And finally, the King. Broken by war, he seeks the past. That which was abandoned. That which he must not know.
For those secrets will crush him as they did the knights who came before.
This book is as epic as I expected. The world is getting bigger. It is not about The Shattered Plains anymore. We also get to see Bridge Four members' point of view.
Damn. So good.
The main character for this book is Dalinar Kholin. I always want to know his past and the reason why he forgot the name of his wife. Although his past was not as interesting as Kaladin's, I found his character development was spectacular. I really like how a famous warmonger could change into a wise leader that had so much integrity. It was very subtle, but it made sense.
What I like the most from this series, other than the unique and original world, is the Knight Radiant's concept. They were chosen because they always stood with their principles despite being broken by life. Basically, they were broken people and I always love to read those kinds of characters. Every single one of them had mental illness and Brandon Sanderson really took time in telling those issues. The best one for me was Shallan. It was quite scary seeing her change personalities regularly because I relate myself with her the most. It was so believable. Sometimes you just want to hide a certain part of yourself in different situations.
The politic aspect was quite thick in this book. It was all about unifying Roshar, so we got to see kings and queens from other countries. It was so interesting. I started to remember the appearances of every races existing in Roshar. Queen Fen was so funny, by the way.
Oh, don't forget about the cognitive realm. I am amazed by how creative Brandon Sanderson is. The scenes in that realm was eerily beautiful. I like how sprens had different forms, cultures, and rules in cognitive realms.
I still like Way of Kings the most so far. I don't know why Kaladin's story was so impressive for me. Maybe because the first book was still full of surprises that I didn't expect. By this third book, I at least had some knowledge of how the Roshar world worked. Some of the revelations were not as shocking because I had some good guesses.
Favorite things: Elhokar in Kholinar (this character grew on me so fast and of course my heart was broken for that one last scene!!!), any scenes with Lift in it (she was so funny), Adolin (he was easily likable), Kaladin and Shallan's interactions (I like this pair because their chemistry is better compare to Shallan and Adolin), Bridge Four (you, airsick lowlanders! LOL).
There are seven books more. I don't know whether I'm patient enough to wait. At least, this series makes me feel grateful and lucky being alive. It is that good.
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