Judul : The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After
Penulis : Julia Quinn
Tebal : 384 halaman
Penerbit : Piatkus
Once upon a time, a historical romance author created a family...
But not just any family. Eight brothers and sisters, assorted in-laws, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, (not to mention an overweight corgi), plus an irrepressible matriarch who's a match for any of them... These are Bridgertons. Through eight bestselling novels, readers laughed, cried and fell in love. But they wanted more.
And so the readers asked the author...
What happened next? Does Simon ever read his father's letters? Do Francesca become parents? Who would win in a Pall Mall grudge match?
Does "The End" really have to be the end?
Saya suka sekali dengan cover bukunya. Untuk karya Julia Quinn, saya hanya mengkoleksi yang cover-nya seperti ini. Kesannya sangat historical, tapi ringan dan menyenangkan gitu. Sama seperti isi ceritanya.
Julia Quinn resmi menjadi penulis favorit saya setelah saya membaca seri Bridgerton-nya yang super epik. Saya suka dengan seluruh anggota keluarga Bridgerton dan saya selalu kangen dengan interaksi di antara mereka. Lucu dan seru. Jadi, saya sangat senang begitu buku ini terbit. Saya bisa bertemu tokoh-tokoh kesukaan saya lagi.
Yah, namanya juga epilog dan novela. Tidak panjang dan tidak ada isinya sih. Apalagi semua novelnya kan sudah beres ceritanya. Tapi karena saya kangen sama Anthony dan adik-adiknya, saya sih senang-senang saja bacanya. Saya suka sekali setiap ada Colin dan Hyacinth. Soalnya mereka paling kocak dan kurang ajar. Terutama Hyacinth. Akhirnya dia tahu betapa stres ibunya memiliki anak seperti dirinya. Kebetulan dia punya anak perempuan yang sifatnya sama persis seperti dia.
Yang membuat saya menangis adalah bagian Violet Bridgerton, ibu dari para Bridgerton. Aduh, saya nggak nyangka pertemuannya dengan Edmund Bridgerton sangat berkesan buat saya. Saya sedih karena saya sudah tahu kalau Edmund bakal meninggal pada akhirnya. Sayang sekali ini cuma novela, jadi kurang panjang. I want more!!!
Violet Bridgerton (VB): "Yes, Daphne. I am happy."
Daphne Bridgerton (DB): "I can't imagine if Simon--"
VB: "I couldn't imagine it, either. Yet it happened. I thought I should die of the pain. But I didn't. And you wouldn't. And the truth is, eventually it does become easier. And you think that perhaps you could find happiness with someone else."
DB: "Francesca did."
VB: "Yes, she did. She is the proof that one can be happy twice with two different loves. But, you know, she's not the same kind of happy with Michael as she was with John. I would not value one higher than the other; it's not the sort of thing one can measure. But it's different... I wasn't expecting the same kind of happiness I had with your father, but I would not settle for less. And I never found it. And as it happened, I didn't need it."
DB: "Oh, Mama."
VB: "Life hasn't always been easy without your father, but it has always been worth it." (jleb)
Novel ini benar-benar nostalgia banget.
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