Title : Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4)
Writer : Richelle Mead
Number of Page : 493
Publisher : Puffin
My rating : 4/5
I am not used to read book series continuously. I usually leave them for other books so that I won't feel bored.
But, for this I made exception. The third book of Vampire Academy gives me the best cliffhanger and I can't wait for reading the next book.
Rose left St. Vladimir Academy. She left her best friend and dropped out from school to find Dimitri. She once promised Dimitri that if one of them became strigoi, the other had to kill because death was better than being a strigoi.
And that was Rose gonna do. She went to kill the man she loved. I know it was such a reckless and stupid act from Rose. But who could blame her? She just loved Dimitri that much.
At the end of previous book, Rose threw away her dignity and asked Adrian Ivashkov for money. Using his crush to her, she knew she was wrong doing that. But, Adrian gave the money and made Rose promise if she came back, she had to give him chance to date with her.
I think I change my preference now. Switch to Adrian Ivashkov because he is easy-going, understanding, funny, narcisstic, and rich. Who doesn't want such a guy?
Okay, back to topic.
Rose went to Russia, funded by Adrian. She believed Dimitri was in his hometown, Baia. Her adventure was dangerous, yes. But she could protect herself better now because she could sense the presence of strigoi. She felt nauseous everytime there was strigoi nearby.
I could say that this journey of finding Dimitri was boring. Most of the time Rose was in sad and mourning condition. She met Dimitri's family, Sydney the Alchemist, other spirit user and shadow-kissed guardian, and many more.
The plot was getting interesting when she joined the unpromised guardian (free guardian who didn't want to protect certain moroi) to Novosibirsk which was believed as the most possible place to find strigoi.
And Rose met Dimitri.
Red eyes, pale skin, fang, and strigoi. But the resemblance with Dimitri that she had known before made Rose hesitate. She could not bring herself to kill him. Hence, he kidnapped Rose.
Being strigoi made Dimitri have a real character, not as perfect as before. He was fierce and cruel now. He wanted Rose to become strigoi too so that they could be together forever. He feeded on Rose and the effect from vampire's endorphin made Rose could not think clearly. *sigh... Dimitri, how bad you are using Rose like that.
Poor Rose.
But, Rose was strong. She freed herself but Dimitri chased her.
"We need to be together."
"Because I want you."
"Wrong answer."
Rose drived the stake to Dimitri's heart. He fell down into the river and Rose had a feeling that she didn't stake properly. Damn, I cried here. Killing the man you love? Seriously, is that a bad joke or what? Oh, Rose... why did you have to face something like that?
The story was chaos. While Rose was hunting Dimitri, Lissa was also in problem herself. Rose visited Lissa's mind time to time and with the help of other spirit user, she saved Lissa.
I miss you. When will you be back?
Thank you. Thank you for being there for me.
Ah, I am always touched with a friendship like this. Lissa and Rose, I just like the bond between them.
Hmm... actually I have a complaint. I was dissapointed that Richelle Mead destroyed my Christian. He was so bad to Lissa. I meant he as her boyfriend should know, understand. He shouldn't go away like that when Lissa was in trouble. I thought Christian was the kind of person who didn't care much about reputation. And yet he broke up with Lissa because of some of her bad actions. Actions that she did because of a compulsion.
Never mind. I love Adrian now. His character is getting more and more lovable. I always laugh whenever he says something stupid. This is Adrian's cheery voicemail : "I know how devastated you must be to miss me, but leave a message, and I'll try to ease your agony as soon as possible." Aigooo... narcisstic bastard.
Oh, yes. Rose met her father here. I think I don't mind having such a cool and powerful father like that. Hahaha... Rose called him "old man".
And the surprise is... Yeah, you will have known already anyway. Rose got a package from Russia.
...Dimitri was still alive and he was going to find Rose and kill her.
Dreamer gonna read other books now, saturated with Vampire Academy...